Just Another Headline

Incessant blabber, opinions dime a dozen
 Millions more watch glued to the tube
 Ah yes the new age makes it interactive
 They say revolutions have taken shape through the networks
 It ain't gonna change one says in his Saturday night stupor
 We must do something says another
 The others nod and quickly get back to their tipples
 Well destinies of nations have been decided in elite drawing rooms
 The show is over, so is the party
 Each gets back to his life
 Resilience they say, but we all know its not
 The reality speaks through the lives of the millions
Someday its going to prick
 Someday I will stand up for something
 Someday will see the awakening of the collective conscience
 Someday, yes someday, I tell myself
 She gets up goes to work
 Her reality has not changed
 Oh yes, there are a million people talking about it
 Talking about a revolution
 Its a new day
 Talk was cheap and memories short
 Alone in her battle, she marches on
 Fighting everyday not to become
 Just another headline