• English Poetry

    An Imperfect World

    Someone once pointed out
     There are no straight lines in nature
     No perfect circles without doubt
     Why in life then do we seek
     A straight path leading to the peak
     A shower made of perfect spherical drops
     Guarantees not a bountiful crop
     When rivers flow they bend and wind
     Don't they know
     The shortest route between two points is a straight line
     We only think of stemming the flow
     Tis us who builds dams and dykes
     Seeking logic and reason we pretend
     That we were here by design not accident
     This human urge to achieve perfection
     Is what causes grief and gives us strife
     Pray someone tell me is it really worth the sacrifice
     As utopian as it may sound
     If this race to be the best didn’t exist
     If good were really good enough
     If greys were accepted not just black and white
     Would it not be a simpler world
     An imperfect one but rather nice